Epstein Barr

For others, EBV symptoms prompt doctors to prescribe ineffective treatments, such as hormone replacement. And for so many people walking around with EBV, it gets misdiagnosed.

Among the reasons EBV is thriving: so little is understood about it. Medical communities are aware of only one version of EBV, but there are actually over 60 varieties. Epstein-Barr is behind several of the debilitating illnesses that stump doctors. As I said in the Introduction, it’s the mystery illness of mystery illnesses.

Doctors have no idea how the virus operates long-term and how problematic it can be. The truth is, EBV is the source of numerous health problems that are currently considered mystery illnesses, such as fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. EBV is also the cause of some major maladies that medical communities think they understand but really don’t—including thyroid disease, vertigo, and tinnitus.

This chapter explains when the Epstein-Barr virus arose, how it’s transmitted, how it operates to create untold havoc in strategic stages no one knows about, and the steps (never revealed before) that can destroy the virus and restore health.


Though Epstein-Barr was discovered by two brilliant physicians in 1964, it had actually begun taking hold in the early 1900s—over half a century before. EBV’s initial versions—which are still with us—are relatively slow to act, and might not even create notable symptoms until late in life. Even then, they’re only mildly harmful. Many people have these non-aggressive EBV strains.

Unfortunately, EBV has evolved over the decades, and each generation of the virus has grown more challenging than the one before.

Until the publication of this book, those with EBV would typically be stuck with it for the rest of their lives. Doctors seldom recognize EBV as the root cause of the myriad of problems it creates; plus doctors have no idea how to address the Epstein-Barr virus even when it is recognized.

There are many ways to catch EBV. For example, you can get it as a baby if your mother has the virus. You can also get it through infected blood. Hospitals don’t screen for the virus, so any blood transfusion puts you at risk. You can even get it from eating out! That’s because chefs are under tremendous pressure to get dishes prepared quickly. They often end up cutting a finger or hand, slapping on a Band-Aid, and continuing to work. Their blood can get into the food . . . and if they happen to have EBV during a contagious phase, that can be enough to infect you.

Transmission can also happen through other bodily fluids, such as those exchanged during sex. Under some circumstances, even a kiss can be enough to transmit EBV.

Someone with the virus isn’t contagious all the time, though. It’s most likely to spread during its Stage Two. Which brings up something else that until now hasn’t been revealed: EBV goes through four stages.


Healing Foods

Certain fruits and vegetables can help your body rid itself of EBV and heal from its effects. The following are the best ones to incorporate into your diet (listed in rough order of importance). Try to eat at least three of these foods per day—the more the better—rotating your consumption so that in a given week or two, you get all of these foods into your system.

  • Wild blueberries: help restore the central nervous system and flush EBV neurotoxins out of the liver.
  • Celery: strengthens hydrochloric acid in the gut and provides mineral salts to the central nervous system.
  • Sprouts: high in zinc and selenium to strengthen the immune system against EBV.
  • Asparagus: cleanses the liver and spleen; strengthens the pancreas.
  • Spinach: creates an alkaline environment in the body and provides highly absorbable micronutrients to the nervous system.
  • Cilantro: removes heavy metals such as mercury and lead, which are favored foods of EBV.
  • Parsley: removes high levels of copper and aluminum, which feed EBV.
  • Coconut oil: antiviral and acts as an anti-inflammatory.
  • Garlic: antiviral and antibacterial that defends against EBV.
  • Ginger: helps with nutrient assimilation and relieves spasms associated with EBV.
  • Raspberries: rich in antioxidants to remove free radicals from the organs and bloodstream.
  • Lettuce: stimulates peristaltic action in the intestinal tract and helps cleanse EBV from the liver.
  • Papayas: restore the central nervous system; strengthen and rebuild hydrochloric acid in the gut.
  • Apricots: immune system rebuilders that also strengthen the blood.
  • Pomegranates: help detox and cleanse the blood as well as the lymphatic system.
  • Grapefruit: rich source of bioflavonoids and calcium to support the immune system and flush toxins out of the body.
  • Kale: high in specific alkaloids that protect against viruses such as EBV.
  • Sweet potatoes: help cleanse and detox the liver from EBV byproducts and toxins.
  • Cucumbers: strengthen the adrenals and kidneys and flush neurotoxins out of the bloodstream.
  • Fennel: contains strong antiviral compounds to fight off EBV.

Healing Herbs and Supplements

The following herbs and supplements (listed in rough order of importance) can further strengthen your immune system and aid your body in healing from the virus’s effects:

  • Cat’s claw: herb that reduces EBV and cofactors such as strep A and strep B.
  • Silver hydrosol: lowers EBV viral load.
  • Zinc: strengthens the immune system and protects the thyroid from EBV inflammation.
  • Vitamin B12 (as methylcobalamin and/or adenosylcobalamin): strengthens the central nervous system.
  • Licorice root: lowers EBV production and strengthens the adrenals and kidneys.
  • Lemon balm: antiviral and antibacterial. Kills EBV cells and strengthens the immune system.
  • 5-MTHF (5-methyltetrahydrofolate): helps strengthen the endocrine system and central nervous system.
  • Selenium: strengthens and protects the central nervous system.
  • Red marine algae: powerful antiviral that removes heavy metals such as mercury and reduces viral load.
  • L-lysine: lowers EBV load and acts as a central nervous system anti-inflammatory.
  • Spirulina: rebuilds the central nervous system and eliminates heavy metals.
  • Ester-C: strengthens the immune system and flushes EBV toxins from the liver.
  • Nettle leaf: provides vital micronutrients to the brain, blood, and central nervous system.
  • Monolaurin: antiviral; breaks down EBV load and reduces cofactors.
  • Elderberry: antiviral; strengthens the immune system.
  • Red clover: cleanses the liver, lymphatic system, and spleen of neurotoxins from EBV.
  • Star anise: antiviral; helps destroy EBV in the liver and thyroid.
  • Curcumin: component of turmeric that helps strengthen the endocrine system and central nervous system.

Buy any of the following products from Medical Intuitive Healer Omar Botha online here! or Book a Healing Retreat.


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